Minutes of Board Meetings

MINUTES OF:   January 21, 2025 MEETING


Mayor: Bob Sandak, Deputy Mayor: Jacquelyn Gernaey

Trustees: James J. von Oiste, Michael Solo, Leza Di Bella

Others present: Clerk Treasurer Joanne Raso; Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Sakovich

  & Village Attorney Eileen Powers (attended late with prior notice)


Public hearingcode change: Chapter 140-5 (Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs; Fencing) to align with other sections of the Village Code.

Public hearing to discuss proposed updates to the fence requirements for swimming pools, to align with other sections of the village code.  Mayor Sandak explained the conflict with a definition in another section of the code making it difficult to definitively make decisions about the legal placement of fences around swimming pools.  Mayor Sandak responded to a resident’s  question about the code change.   Motion to close the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. made by Trustee Leza Di Bella; seconded by Trustee Jim von Oiste and was passed.

Motion to pass a resolution to adopt Local Law 1 of 2025 to update Chapter 140-5, Swimming Pools and Hot tubs; fencing made by Trustee Mike Solo; seconded by Trustee Gernaey and was passed.


  1. MINUTES: December 2024 minutes were accepted as read
  2. TREASURER’S REPORT: December 2024 Treasurer’s report were accepted as read


Letters requesting use of the Community Center:

  1. Kyleen Huber for a surprise birthday party on Saturday, February 15
  2. Jennifer Floyd, sponsoring PJ Senior Prom Committee for a comedy night on Sat. February 8
  4. Mayor Sandak praised our Constabulary and a member of the community for responding to a traffic incident in the Village in November.

A certificate of bravery was presented to Harry Divaris

  1. BUILDINGS:  Commissioner Di Bella reported that the heating unit in the Community Center needs to be replaced.  We received one quote in the amount of $53K and are waiting for additional quotes.  This repair will be paid from the Capital Reserve Fund.
  2. PARKS:  Commissioner Solo is reviewing the next round of exercise equipment that will be purchased for our park and with the production lead time from the manufacturer, we hope to have the new equipment in place by the spring season.

A recommendation was made by a resident to consider adding a Gaga Pit for the youth of the community.  Commissioner Solo said he would review to see if this fits in with the plan and footprint of the park.

  1. ROADS:  Commissioner Solo reported that due to the snow, there is limited activity taking place on our roads.  He has spoken with the appropriate vendor for an interim road repair on potholes and drains on various roads in the Village.  There will be temporary fixes for these areas in the short term and follow up will take place, if necessary, in the future.
  2. CONSTABULARY:  Mayor Sandak reported that there were 24 calls for service in December and 465 service calls for the 2024 year.
  3. TRAFFIC COMMITTEE: Rich Harris reported on the Speed Table public meeting that was held on January 16th, 2025 at the Community Center.  There were 35 people in attendance with a presentation made that encompassed Village history, past traffic study calming incremental changes done in the Village, emergency vehicles and the various designs available.  Twelve people spoke with 9 in favor of speed tales. There were 3 emails received in favor and 3 emails received against.  There was also discussion about adding additional speed tables north of Cliff and Crooked Oak Road as residents felt that portion of Cliff Road is a high-speed stretch of roadway.   The proposed locations are Cliff Road and Harbor Hills Drive, Cliff Road and Old Homestead and Cliff Road and (the first) Crooked Oak Road.  The Traffic Committee recommends being authorized to solicit bids based on the Village Procurement Policy.

A resident asked if the speed tables go straight across on both sides of the road.  Rich Harris responded yes and that there will be signage notifying drivers that speed tables are installed. 


  1. Motion by Trustee Gernaey, seconded by Trustee Mike Solo was passed unanimously to approve for payment the abstract of audited vouchers in the amount of $111,274.29.
  1. Motion to pass resolution setting a public hearing to consider a Local Law to authorize a property tax levy in excess of the limit established in general municipal law section 3-c.  Made by Trustee Gernaey, Seconded by Trustee Solo and passed unanimously.             
  1. Motion by Trustee Gernaey, seconded by Trustee Di Bella was passed unanimously to authorize the Traffic Safety Committee to solicit bids for the purchase and installation of speed tables bumps at three identifiable locations in the Village and to take action to implement the best solution.


A resident questioned if new residents receive notifications of the Village rules; namely that contractor work cannot be done on weekends.  It was confirmed that all residents receive a New Resident information packet.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m.


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