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Belle Terre Annual Events Calendar
Fall Trash Pick Up
Fall BULK Trash Pickup Leaf and Yard Waste Monday DECEMBER 5th Leaves, Leaves and more Leaves!! Please use your leaves to mulch your yard. If you must bag them, please keep the bags to under 50 pounds each. Twigs, branches and yard debris must be tied into bundles that are no more than 4 feet […]
BTCA Girls Wine & Cheese Cookie Exchange
Belle Terre Community Center 55 Cliff Road, Belle Terre, NYBTCA Annual Children’s Holiday Party
Belle Terre Community Center 55 Cliff Road, Belle Terre, NYBoard of Trustee meeting
Belle Terre Community Center 55 Cliff Road, Belle Terre, NYBoard of Trustee Meeting
Belle Terre Community Center 55 Cliff Road, Belle Terre, NYBTCA Drawing Classes 2/5, 2/12, 2/19 & 2/26
Belle Terre Community Center 55 Cliff Road, Belle Terre, NYSpring Trash Pickup
Spring Trash Pick up. Week of April 24th.
BTCA – event sponsored by the Belle Terre Community Association